Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What Ever!

This message is dedicated to all my buddies and people who have been around me since last Thursday. I've been a bit down and grumpy so anybody who ask me any questions gets.."WHAT EVER!!" as an answer. Hehehe...sorry people, a gal is allowed to be grumpy, snotty and sassy anytime she wants without a valid reason! That's the beauty of being a gal! Anyway, I'm snapping out of it...(a few percentage is still there, so I'm gonna do a bit more of my retail theraphy, then I'll be fine ;-) )

Having said that, I've realized that I dont have pictures of those dearest to me, who've made me the person I am today... My FAMILY. Here's the gang!

Here's the next generation...4 are missing from the picture (not my fault that these people always miss family gatherings). Anyway, these kids are the reason I (sometimes) feel old.


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